Criar conta
Recuperação de password
Insira abaixo o email associado à sua conta e clique em "enviar". Receberá no seu email um link a partir do qual poderá criar uma nova password.
Insira abaixo o email associado à sua conta e clique em "enviar". Receberá no seu email um link a partir do qual poderá criar uma nova password.
How does it feel to endure everything you said you wouldn't and most importantly what does it actually say about you? Don't Answer. I'm talking to myself. How come you're still in the same situation you said you'd be damned if you every caught yourself up in? Don't reflect. Although you should. You meditate, pray, exercise, drink, smoke, maybe go out every night or stay all day at home looking at your phone, just to avoid yourself. How's that working out for you? Don't worry. The grass isn't always greener on the other side, it gets greener when you water it. Water yourself.