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Recuperação de password
Insira abaixo o email associado à sua conta e clique em "enviar". Receberá no seu email um link a partir do qual poderá criar uma nova password.
Insira abaixo o email associado à sua conta e clique em "enviar". Receberá no seu email um link a partir do qual poderá criar uma nova password.
If the verbal word does not always allow itself to be heard, then let the written word reveal itself. As, “once bitten, twice shy”, gently, I venture into the abstract world of writing. (...) I tra- vel without leaving, through an infinite field of possibilities, a moon’s world.
That is also freedom. You are still free to dream, imagine, think and feel. And through this way, seeks to marry the responsibility of an adult with the essence of a child. (...) Thank you for being here.