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J. Lawrence trabalhou como Gerente de Projetos para a indústria automobilística. Esse trabalho lhe proporcionou conhecer vários países. Durante esses anos, ele escreveu muitos livros de especificação para esses projetos, o que levou ao seu desejo de escrever mais e sobre temas variados. Lawrence decidiu vir ao Brasil em busca de aventura, o que lhe trouxe uma família linda, aprendeu uma nova língua e várias conquistas com muito trabalho e empenho, mas tudo isso é outra história.
He was born as a child to a very loving mother, who when he achieved 5 years of age, gave him to her divorced husband to care for. He still doesn’t know exactly why or how this happened. But, apart from this troubled young life he grew to become even more trouble to his wife and children. And not happy with his successful job as a Project Manager, he stupidly decided to throw it all away and went looking for adventures in Brazil. These Brazilian adventures included learning a new and difficult language, working hard almost all the time days, nights and weekends without increases in salary, but all this is another story. All this is to explain why it took so very long to complete this book. He also has written a book of poems, which is registered, in Rio de Janeiro but is yet to be published.